
Is Neurofeedback a possible solution for your symptoms?

What Is Neurofeedback?

Everyone! Research shows that 90% of neurofeedback participants respond to training. I work with people aged 6 and up.  Neurofeedback is not a cure but it may reduce symptoms, help individuals regulate their emotional reactivity, behavior and reduce impulsive reactivity.

What Are The Benefits Of Nuerofeedback?

Neurofeedback improves your overall brain function: improving memory, attention and concentration, improve sleep, help regulate emotions and cognitive function, and improve performance.

Neurofeedback Rochester Therapy Center

Neurofeedback Is Used For A Number Of Issues Including:

  • addictions,
  • anger,
  • anxiety,
  • attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
  • autism,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • depression,
  • eating disorders,
  • emotional dysregulation,
  • migraines,
  • mood disorders,
  • pain,
  • peak brain or sports performance,
  • stroke,
  • traumatic brain injury (TBI),
  • Tourette’s syndrome/tic disorder,
  • or other mental health issues.

Training For Over-Arousal

lndividuals who are experiencing symptoms of over-arousal tend to have excess beta brain waves and decreased SMR brain waves. Treatment goal for over-arousal individuals is to reduce the level of beta waves, and increase SMR waves. A reduction in excess energy levels allow the mind and body to be more relaxed and calmer, yet alert at the same time.

Training for under-arousal

 Individuals who are experiencing symptoms of under-arousal tend to have excess theta brain waves and decreased beta brain waves. The treatment goal for under-aroused individuals is to reduce the level of theta waves, the level of drowsiness, and increase beta waves. At the end of each training session, individual should feel more awake, focused and motivated.

Examples Of An ‘Over-Aroused’ Brain:​

  • Busy mind/ many competing thoughts
  • Impulsive
  • Fidgety
  • Hyperactive
  • Easily bored
  • Risk seeker
  • Impatient
  • Agitated
  • Aggressive
  • Anxious/ fearful
  • Tense
  • Feel overwhelmed
  • Frequent tension headaches
  • Holds resentments
  • Difficulty falling asleep

Examples Of An ‘Under-Aroused’ Brain:

  • ADHD
  • Innatention
  • Poor concentration
  • Inattentive
  • Distractability
  • Frequent day dreaming
  • Spaciness/fogginess
  • Forgetful
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Depression/low mood
  • Lethargy
  • Sensitive/feelings easily hurt
  • Frequent waking at night
  • Not feeling rested after sleep
  • Falls asleep in low stimulation situations
  • Low self-esteem

Is Neurofeedback Long Lasting?

In most instances, once the brain has learned how to perform at its optimum level it retains this functioning. Think about learning to ride a bicycle. Remember how difficult that was? Did you fall? And then, after a while, you didn’t even have to think about balancing anymore? At a subconscious level, your brain was sending messages to your muscles to do what they needed to do to keep you upright. Even if you haven’t ridden a bicycle in years, if you were to get on one today your brain would quickly remember what it is supposed to do to help you remain balanced.

This is what happens through neurofeedback training. We train your brain to work in a way that will help keep you “balanced.” You will not need to concentrate consciously on what you need to do to “stay relaxed” (for example). Your brain will simply function the way it needs to, in order for you to be comfortable.

How many neurofeedback sessions are needed?

On average 20 to 40 sessions of Neurofeedback are needed for lasting results, each person is different. Usually there is a noticeable effect within 10-20 sessions. Many of my clients report noticing changes with only 3 or 4 sessions.

If neurofeedback is so effective,
why don’t more people know about it?

It was first discovered in the 1960’s that people could control their brainwave patterns. Because the field was in its infancy, research was conducted at very few institutions. Results were published in highly specialized scientific journals with which health care providers were largely unfamiliar. For these reasons, the possibilities of this powerful tool have not become well known among physicians or the general public. This is now changing. Advances in computer technology have enabled neurofeedback to emerge from the laboratory to become a useful clinical tool in the offices of mental health providers.“

Side Effects?

As a general rule, most neurofeedback patients experience little or no adverse effects. In fact, many find the sessions relaxing and calming. And many experience a new sense of energy following them.  Neurofeedback is generally recognized as a safe intervention for improving electroneurological flexibility, some people report side effects. Some people report vivid dreams as the mind settles into a more balanced position. If you have had a physical brain injury or head trauma, you will likely be more sensitive to neurofeedback. You might experience nausea, dizziness, and light sensitivity as you ‘re-regulate’ your brain function. Some people report being tired after a session.